Only one website page per form.
If you have changes to more than one page,
use a new form for each page.
Please fill out the top information.
1. Committee 2. The name of the contact person should there be questions. 3. Contact email The next section is to upload corrections or changes. It can be either text or images, or both. The first three are for the location of the changes. Page: this is the name in navigation of the actual page Section: this is the title on the section of the page to be changed Popup: this is a pdf formatted page, with OWF log, that is to be downloaded by visitors to the website. If there is a mistake or change in text, the entire paragraph needs to be uploaded. The file should have the page name and section on it. There will be no changes made except for full paragraphs. How to label the file: Grants_first section_second paragraph.docx The file name should also be on the top of the page you upload. If you are making changes to multiple paragraphs, upload the entire section with changes. All images must be named by the page and section where they are to be placed. Example: Grants_top photo_right.jpg If you have more than three images to change, please do additional ones on a separate submission. On the form below, is an area to give more explanation. Or you can add to the document you are uploading. |